Sunday, June 20, 2010

Victory Over Fibromyalgia

Hi, I’m Ron Matthews and I’ve got a question for you. If you had one of the master keys to reversing Fibromyalgia, what kind of impact would that have on your life?

In the next few minutes I’m going to give you one of those master keys.

I know that sounds like a pretty sweeping statement, especially since conventional medicine’s approach to treating fibromyalgia is to try to suppress the symptoms by using drugs like Cymbalta. Drugs used to treat fibromyalgia have side effects like

•    Nausea
•    Fatigue
•    Weakness
•    Vomiting
•    Muscle pain
•    Abdominal pain, to name just a few.

Doesn’t it seems odd that a drug used to treat fibromyalgia would have side effects like fatigue, muscle pain and weakness when those are some of the symptoms of fibromyalgia itself.

This strategy may provide some temporary relief, but they’re only masking a deeper problem – a problem that can’t be solved by drugs.

If we look at fibromyalgia from the point of view of your body’s energy system, a very interesting picture emerges.
According to WebMD, fibromyalgia is often linked to stress and stress has become epidemic in our modern world.

There is an energy system in the human body known as the Triple Warmer meridian. Triple Warmer’s job has always been to react to imminent danger by activating the fight/flight response. The problem is that, with all the incredibly rapid changes in our environment since the dawn of the industrial revolution 150 years ago, Triple Warmer has become confused about what constitutes real danger and what doesn’t.

So when minor annoyances like an argument, or someone cutting you off in traffic occurs, Triple Warmer responds as though there is immediate danger and if fires the fight/flight response.

Here’s where things get really interesting. It turns out that Triple Warmer is also one of the major energy systems that control your immune system. The other major immune system energy is the Spleen Meridian which is the energetic foundation of your immune system.

When Triple Warmer goes into fight/flight mode, it steals energy from the Spleen Meridian and in doing so causes your immune system’s effectiveness to decrease by as much as 50%.

When you consider that this happens over and over again, day in – day out, year after year; it’s easy to see how things like fibromyalgia and auto-immune disorders can result.

If there was a way to calm Triple Warmer down, it stands to reason that conditions like fibromyalgia should ease as well. This, in fact, appears to be the case.

Please understand that this information is nothing new. It’s been used throughout the world over at least 5000 years. But, it’s information that has been the exclusive purview of a handful of specialists that made it seem that this information was too complicated for lay people.

That changes today.

To calm Triple Warmer Meridian is very simple and I’m going to show you how to do it right now.

There are two points that you’re going to hold with your fingers. The first point is just above your elbow in the middle over your upper arm and the other one is just below your knee. 

When you hold these points with your fingers, it has the effect of calming Triple Warmer and easing it out of its fight/flight mode.

Hold these points for about 3 minutes. Then switch sides and hold them for another three minutes.

If you should feel this unusual sense of calm or relaxation start to come over you, that’s Triple Warmer letting go and allowing some of the energy it was hogging to flow back in to your body’s other energy systems.

The reason that this works the way that it does is quite technical and is based on Five Element Theory which is one of the pillars of Traditional Chinese Medicine. There’s no need to worry about it. Just try the technique and see what happens.
The state of stress that brings on fibromyalgia has probably been developing in your life for several years, so it’s likely that you’ll need to repeat this technique frequently for a few days or even weeks.

But it costs nothing and has no side effects. Find a drug that can make that claim.

There are a whole range of techniques from Energy Medicine that can be used to balance the Triple Warmer and Spleen energies. I’ll tell you about them in the other videos that are in this series. You can get access to the entire series by going to

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